Students will study formal logic and two column proof. 2 semesters, 3 credits. Students that take Pre-Engineering: 3-D CAD will experience deeper exploration into CAD techniques and 3-D CAD development. Identify and explain the strokes of a two stroke engine. Location: Novi High School Pool Requirements: Current Lifeguard Certification *This year, Instructors will wear face shields in the water and teach small groups of 3-4 students. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. This helps develop an understanding of the mathematical process of theorems and axioms that underlies mathematics and the concept of deductive reasoning. 1 semester, .5 credit. Nearby homes similar to 2295 Austin have recently sold between $495K to $635K at an average of $200 per square foot. Grades 11-12. Prerequisite: Algebra II with a grade of B+ or above 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: IB French SL 1 Prerequisite: Graphic Design I or Graphics and Printing Technologies Private study is strongly encouraged. Prerequisite: Tenth Grade English, WIDA 1-4 Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Art Fundamentals recommended Novi High School placed in the top 5% of all schools in Michigan for overall test scores (math proficiency is top 5%, and reading proficiency is top 5%) for the 2020-21 school year. Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Show mastery of basic machine principles of operation. 1109 Genetics and Medical Technology 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Novi High School offers 22 Advanced Placement and 15 International Baccalaureate courses. Qualifications for DECA Club Membership: Grade 9. 1416 / 1417 French III Grades 9-12. Mladen Radii is Professor at the Department for Industrial Engineering and Management (Faculty of Technical Sciences), University of Novi Sad (UNS), Serbia where he teaches in the areas of Business and Finance. Grades 10-12. Recommended English proficiency level of 2.8 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. This class meets the Algebra II requirement from the State of Michigan as well as the National Common Core State Standards. Grades 11-12. This course is a rigorous and challenging preparation for AP Calculus AB. 1428 / 1429 German II Instruction is delivered using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) method by a SIOP-trained teacher., Recommended English proficiency of 3.1 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. Students will learn the basics of design (such as logo and poster design) typography, and Adobe CS programs such as Illustrator. Students will receive support to achieve success in all classes. Units of study for the first semester are: marching band, winter concert preparation and festival preparation. Prerequisite: Algebra I with a recommended grade of B or above Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. 24606 OLDE ORCHARD Street, Novi, MI 48375, MLS #20230006123 - Welcome home to this gorgeous, updated Novi condo in the Olde Orchard condominium complex! 1498 / 1499IB World Language A SL 2 Course satisfies 1 credit VPA We will also be focusing on similarities and differences of their rise and consolidation of power. 1208E / 1209E World History (ESL) Enrichment programs are offered to residents of all ages, educational backgrounds, and socioeconomic levels. It has 2,054 students in grades PK, 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. If you have any trouble accessing your parent or student portal, please email. Grades 11-12. It will provide students with an opportunity to strengthen their skills in the following areas: Note-taking, executive functioning, time management, communication, everyday math, presentation skills, comprehension, goal setting, and personal reflection. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Grades 9-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade or 1 credit VPA Health is a required course that emphasizes the practical application of knowledge to healthful daily living. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. 2 semesters, 3 credits. The interaction of people became increasingly important through a system of societies, networks and transitions, as the world of societies modernized and becomes increasingly global. It is applied to two and three dimensional figures in real-world contexts developing spatial visualization skills and shape relationships. In this course, students will learn additional reading, writing, thinking, speaking, research, and listening skills while exploring a variety of literature. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade Prerequisite: Application Required Grades 10-12. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Many of the areas from Pre-engineering Design are covered in greater detail in this course plus providing in-depth experience with professional-level CAD technologies. Summer School is a closed campus program. Prerequisite: German I This chemistry course uses the Science & Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Structure of the Atom, Matter & the Periodic Table, Energy & Reactions, and Environmental Chemistry. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. Prerequisite: Application Required 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: AP Calculus AB with a recommended grade of B or above This course meets Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements for English credit in eleventh grade. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Course satisfies 1 credit VPA Students will continue improving their speaking and communicating skills in discussion and multimedia presentations. Students will begin with an idea for a product and then spend the year developing and marketing it. Elements of IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course will be incorporated when possible. 1 semester, .5 credit. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: None Edgenuity is an online credit recovery program offered for core classes during the school day. Grades 11-12. Following the safety rules and procedures including the proper use of tools and materials will be mandatory. 0622V / 0623V Honors Pre-Calculus(This course may also be offered virtually) The completion of IB SEHS HL 2 fulfills the Novi High School Health and PE Credit. Any student selecting virtual coursework (either for their full day or part day) are required to complete a Novi High School Online Opportunities Application which can be found in Schoology. Grades 10-12. Mladen graduated at the UNS, obtained his MSc degree in the area of Industrial Engineering and Management and obtained his PhD degree in the area of Financial Management. Honors Geometry is a rigorous course and prepares students for AP Calculus AB or IB Math SL. This helps develop an understanding of the mathematical process of theorems and axioms that underlies mathematics and the concept of deductive reasoning. Grades 10-12. Units of study include: scientific foundations of psychology, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, motivation, emotion, and personality, clinical psychology, and social psychology. 0700 / 0701 Concert Band Novi Cats COVID Screener. 0403V / 0404V Tenth Grade English(This course may also be offered virtually) Twelfth Grade English is a college preparatory course designed for students to sharpen their reading, writing and communication skills, skills necessary for success in all curricular areas and work environments. Are children in your future? *Graduation requirement can be obtained by either taking general economics only, taking both AP Courses or taking one AP and one general economics. Units of study include: the study of traditional and popular choral repertoire, chamber music, quality tone production, intermediate to advanced music literacy and musicianship, concert / performance preparation, and participation in Michigan School Vocal Music Association (MSVMA) Festival Performances. This is a sheltered class for ESL students only. 2 semesters, 1 credit. SOLD JUN 14, 2022. Prerequisite: IB German SL 1 All Math courses not being used to fulfill a specific math graduation requirement may be used to fulfill the senior math elective when taken during senior year. Students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through the study of different types of authentic oral and written texts. This course is the second year in a two year sequence intended to prepare students for the IB Math AA SL exam. Prerequisite: Application In addition to anchor texts, students will also read supplemental texts and independently chosen texts. 0664 Medical Math 0447 Broadcast Communication Students will learn to properly use job specific tools to complete automotive maintenance and repair. Grades 9-12. 0603V / 0604V Honors Geometry(This course may also be offered virtually) Grades 10-12. 2 semesters, 3 credits. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Show proper measurement techniques while constructing assignments. The AP Statistics course introduces students to the major concepts and tools of collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Grades 9-12. 0104 Painting II Prerequisite: None Students will learn as many as 500 Kanji characters. 1202V Civics(This course may also be offered virtually) 1 semester, .5 credit. Develop a professional work ethic and ability to provide compassionate patient care in a variety of clinical settings. This is the first year of a two-year International Baccalaureate (IB) Standard Level (SL) Japanese program. 1210 Detroit History Prerequisite: None Principles of both two and four stroke engine technologies will be emphasized. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of class is required. Percentage of students involved in athleticsat 7-12 level, which includes three Unified teams. Making sense of a world seemingly in turmoil is the best way to describe International Relations. Building, upgrade and repair computers; and design, install and troubleshoot computer network systems. In this way we will develop (a) an understanding of some of the principal themes in modern European history, (b) an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical interpretation, (c) an ability to apply historical skills to that analysis such as significance, cause and effect, change over time, and continuity and change, and (d) an ability to express historical understanding in writing. Grades 9-12. They will write a variety of informative/ explanatory texts, narratives, and arguments. Grades 10-12. Students wills tudy various persuasive strategies and use those strategies to create their own arguments. Complete maintenance tasks on a vehicle, according to vehicle specific maintenance schedules. Show mastery of operating automotive tools and equipment. This is an upper level class for college bound students. Thiscourseruns for a full year. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Recommended English proficiency of 3.1 or higher on WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER. 1336 / 1354 Integrated Studies 1 semester, .5 credit. This class may be retaken with teacher approval. Students will read and analyze a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA 0210V Computer Applications(This course may also be offered virtually) Small groups of students design and then build an Energy Efficiency Vehicle. Students perform choreography by the program director and notable guest artists within departmental concerts, community events, competitions, and festivals. Throughout the course students learn to develop important questions, conduct inquiry, and evaluate evidence. 1 semester, .5 credit. 24383 Cavendish Ave W, Novi, MI 48375 Novi High School Home for Sale: TOUR this NEW CONSTRUCTION opportunity. Grades 9-10. Grades 9-12. Auditions are required for all higher level Band, Choir, Dance and Orchestra classes. Units of study in the present, past, perfect, commands and subjunctive tenses will include autobiographical information, childhood, disasters and accidents, movies and TV, cooking and travel, and cultural topics from around the Spanish-speaking world. Attendance at rehearsals and performances outside of the school day is required. 2 semesters, 3 credits. Topics include exploring univariate and bivariate data, sampling and study design, probability models, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, significance testing, inference for regression, and assessing assumption of statistical models. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA A student who wants to open up their schedule for the following year. Students must be able to work in teams, teach lessons in front of peers and preschool children, and participate in special activities with the preschoolers. Must have successfully completed Beginning dance or have permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: None The application must be submitted at least 1 week prior to the start of the semester. Students will continue their acquisition of these skills through the exploration of cultural themes, grammatical concepts, and vocabulary development. Once those forms are complete, you will be directed to the Digital Signup page to select and pay for your Summer School classes. 1 semester, .5 credit. This class is recommended for juniors and seniors. This course follows the guidelines of the College Examination Board. 1121 / 1122 Advanced Placement Environmental Science This is a one semester course that will allow students to investigate the 300+ years of history of Michigans largest city. Prerequisite: None Students must be enrolled in two semesters for this course. Second semester picks back up with the global revolutions and concludes with a study of the current state of globalization. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Prerequisite: None 0710 Instrumentals Prerequisite: None 0507 Contemporary Relationships Grade 9. Students will use the Spanish language in a range of situations and contexts for a variety of purposes. Prerequisite: WIDA 1-4 and Teacher Recommendation Once you have selected "Forms," scroll across the top and select "Enrollment." One must be able to learn to communicate, in words, mathematically and statistically. Because vocal and sight-reading skills are attained developmentally, it is required that students participate in two semesters of regular choir (not a cappella), as students will already be expected to have learned these skills. Marketing: Store Operations focuses on the functions of marketing and how they impact retail markets. Formal logic will be studied and the two column proof will be stressed (e.g. Course satisfies .5 credit senior math elective during 12th grade or .5 credit VPA . Describe the various benefits and uses of automotive fuels. An audition is required. Co-departmental classes provide student instruction from two highly qualified teachers in a given subject matter, with a paced, accommodated, curriculum. Note: The Public Notice of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Classes is available here LINK. Explain principles of various forms of energy creation such as wind, solar, nuclear, etc. Students will continue gaining skills through the use of technology that will help further explore new visual possibilities and ways of expressing effective personal vision. This course will be taught in Japanese, all texts will be in Japanese, and students are expected to speak in Japanese. Prerequisite: Grade of B- or above in both Biology and Algebra I required; Chemistry highly recommended It includes all content covered in Calculus AB plus additional major topics such as parametric, polar and vector functions, expanded integration techniques, and polynomial approximations and series. Band Camp (Aug. 5-10, 2019) is a requirement for all NHS Marching Band members. This class is a realistic exploration into food, nutrition, and cooking all in one. Prerequisite: Eleventh Grade English or AP English Course satisfies .5 credit VPA Units of study for the first semester are: marching band, winter concert preparation and festival preparation. Students learn to decode and encode multi-syllabic words at a high school level. The Medical Careers Exploration course is part of the Providence Park HospitalNovi Community Schools Partnership. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 12. Enrollment - Novi Community School District. Baker College This course will be taught in German, all texts will be in German, and students are expected to speak in German. Students will learn how these skill areas are implemented and how they are connected to create a final production. Prerequisite: Automotive Technology I-A Students will learn quality tone production, intonation, rhythm, articulation, range development, phrasing, breath support, lip flexibility, dynamics, musicianship, and an advanced level of technical facility. 4 Beds. The class is conducted almost exclusively in Japanese. Understand and diagnose the automotive cooling system. Prerequisite: Application Required Students will read and analyze a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts. A Cappella will participate in ICHSA, the International Competition of High School A Cappella, which takes place in the spring; recording and submittal for this competition will take place in the fall. 0804B Machining Student broadcasters learn the skills needed to perform in front of the camera, behind the scenes, in the studio, and in the field. Prerequisite: Eleventh Grade English Load more Why novi Novi Community School District We Are Novi 0805A Automotive Technology (This is a two year program) 2 Beds. It is recommended that students have a WIDA ACCESS/SCREENER level of 2.5 or higher to take this course. Units of study include developmental theorists, types of child care, meal planning and family crises. This is a course for the highly self-motivated student that will provide instruction in various training methods to help reach and maintain high levels of individual physical fitness. Prerequisite: Earned a B+ or above in all previous Social Studies and English courses Students have access to Business Professionals of America Club. Grades 10-12. 0630 / 0631 IB Mathematics SL1: Analysis & Approaches (Year 1) 1 semester, .5 credit. AP Computer Science introduces students to the formal concepts of object-oriented computer programming, including program design, control structures, data structures, and algorithms using the Java programming language. 0117 / 0118 IB Visual Art HL2 In addition, the second year students will gather and synthesize business ideas, concepts and techniques from the topics listed above. Advanced Placement Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism is equivalent to a first year college-level physics course. This course uses the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts from the Michigan Science Standards to explore topics including Structure of the Atom, Matter and The Periodic Table, Energy and Reactions, and Environmental Chemistry. The design intent of the new additions is to create safe and secure entry points, while providing a new home for the school administration. Students must enroll in two semesters for this class. Reading material, supported by film interpretations, has a breadth of range: mythology, drama, novels (anchor texts & student selected), nonfiction text and contemporary literature. An audition is required. They will write a variety of informative/explanatory texts, narratives, and arguments. Prerequisite: Earned a B or above in all previous Social Studies and English courses They will work on painting projects that have greater compositional, technical and conceptual challenges. Posted on 08/24/2022; View All News. It is required that students participate in two semesters of regular choir prior to joining. 1 semester, .5 credit. Course satisfies 1 credit senior level math elective during 12th grade if Physics already completed Students who complete this program will earn an elective science credit in Technical Physics. Big History weaves evidence and insights from many scientific and historical disciplines into a single, accessible origin story- one that explores who we are, how we got here, how we are connected to everything around us, and where we may be heading. Grades 9-12. These skills will serve as a continuous foundation for subsequent high school English classes. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Catholic Central High School Custodian / JanitorJob Title: Custodian / JanitorLocation: CatholicSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. Course satisfies .5 credit VPA 1 semester, .5 credit. Throughout this course, students analyze the causes and effects of events in the nations past using primary and secondary sources to explore time and place in the twentieth century. 2 semesters, 1 credit. 1005E Health (ESL) The AP Seminar score is based on all three assessments and is reported on the standard 1-5 AP scoring scale. Prerequisite: Marketing I $630,000 Last Sold Price. Fuel efficiency is the goal. Prerequisite: WIDA 3.1+ Recommended The basic principles of operation such as disassembly, measurement, reassembly, and start up will be studied. Unit themes focus on leadership, culture, ethics, and the future beyond the walls of Novi High School. Students who receive a B or better in both Finance I: Building Wealth and Accounting I: Service, Sole Proprietorshipcourses are eligible for college credit through the following statewide articulation agreements: Units of learning include short stories, film and screenplay and poetry. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Grades 9-12. This course will satisfy the English 12 requirement. 2 semesters, 1 credit. Final course availability and descriptions will be available in the spring. Students will be introduced to working in our on-site preschool through observation, small group teaching activities, reading books to the children, and other various teaching activities. Use advanced equipment and techniques to join, cut, bend, and manipulate metal to fabricate a wide range of products. Prerequisite: None This will provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary to apply scientific principles and critically analyze human performance. Below you will find information about the courses offered at Novi High School. Prerequisite: None Students must be enrolled in two semesters for this course. This course fulfills the PE graduation requirement and may be retaken for credit. Unit themes focus on leadership, culture, ethics, and the future beyond the walls of Novi High School. Grades 11-12. This course will guide students through the creative writing process. Prerequisite: Journalism I or Application Required Prerequisite: IB Japanese SL 1 Grades 11-12. Prerequisite: Japanese I Grades 9-12. In todays ever advancing, globalized, industrial careers, robotic technology is an integral part of many. Grades 11-12.